This app will appeal to singles who want to track their conquests in the event of illness or pregnancy, as well as married couples who are trying to conceive (or just make sure they aren’t letting the fire die out.) Sexulator has a discreet app icon, and lets you track whether you had full sex, oral sex, a steamy make out session, or even a session with multiple partners. : Adblock - Package Name: insecam.camera.
#Best live cam app for android apk
In any case, you will need a device that you will set up at home as a camera and will connect the app to it in order to see what your pet is doing during the day. We know, Windows Camera is the official webcam app for Windows 10, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it sucks. Live Camera Viewer for IP Cams APK 3 MB ( ) - CameraIP APK - Live Camera Viewer for IP Cams. For using this app you will need two phones or tablets, or a phone and a tablet as you wish. It is also a reason why we find so many Google camera ports for third-party Android phones like the popular Gcam 7.3 APK and the latest Gcam 7.4 APK (allegedly from Pixel 4a and the Pixel 5 lineup). You may also like: 11 Best Webcam Apps for Android & iOS. It is the main selling point of Pixel phones. Using a webcam allows you to chat with others visually, record videos, or screencast to multiple users simultaneously. Sexulator is basically a calendar for tracking your sex life. Google camera app for the Pixel lineup is the best camera software available for Android out there. That's right, an app to track your sex life! Wonder when you last did… Ĭheck out the video above to hear what some morning show hosts have to say about this app. 'My Sexulator' Is The New 'Virtual Personal Sexual Assistant' That Keeps Track In The Sack! () Morning Coffee with Mario Talk Show - Morning Coffee host Brandy Flores welcomes app designer Michele Ehlers creator of "The Sex Blog" and the My Sexulator Virtual Personal Assistant (), where you can track (and read this slowly) intercourse events.